Many have heard the term of turning off the humanity switch in your heart to escape the pain. Is that thing real? And if yes, it is really important to understand how to do it. Because doing it the wrong way might harm others and yourself as well. So let’s take a step by step towards making your life painless by switching off your humanity. But remember that if you successfully switch it off, there is no guarantee of how much time it would take to recover yourself. I’ve seen people that never come back after switching themselves. So, let’s begin with how to turn off your humanity switch.

Strict Note: This technique should only be used in cases of excessive pain, torture, trauma, and betrayal. In case you have nobody in your life you can rely upon, this method turns out to be the best method of survival. No sound-minded person should do it, as it might turn deadly for society as well as the subject.
What is the humanity switch and means of turning it off?
Being human is both a boon and a curse. If you are well fed, loved, and pampered, it becomes a boon. But if you are manipulated, used, betrayed, and left alone, it becomes a curse for many. Doctors and therapists can only recover you temporarily. And in most cases, the person who is most needy for treatment never gets a savior due to the judgments and ill behaviors of society.
There is always a hidden switch, a spontaneous one. You can manifest it. It’s not in the form of an organ but a mental trigger that might make you immune to emotional and mental pain. But there’s a price to pay: along with being immune to tragedies, you also become immune to all other human emotions.

Suppose you are a person who has witnessed excessive emotional ups and downs in your life. As a human, your emotional health is more vulnerable and damaged than the rest of the people around you. There are times of joy when you are afraid to celebrate because you are afraid that something bad might happen again. In this case, you are the perfect subject to try it for your sake once in your lifetime.
benefits of turning off the humanity switch?

- Person becomes more focused with 0% or minimal distraction.
- A person enjoys and lives more in the present. The feeling isn’t of happiness but of completeness.
- Silly things don’t matter anymore. You don’t be part of any gossip. You become the subject of their gossip.
- You’re free of depression and social anxiety.
- You don’t allow any drama in your life. You only give importance to the things or situations that sound reasonable.
- You become the third person and view the world from above, as if you’re now aligned with God.
- Nobody has power over you now, as you don’t get hurt or manipulated by the emotions.
- Finally, you enjoy your own company, and now people want you, but you don’t care anymore.
- You stop fearing death.
The Vampire Diaries Book vs Show. Major gaps in books & series.
What are the cons of turning humanity off?

- You hurt people intentionally or unintentionally because you don’t have your emotional intelligence.
- You cannot get into relationships as you don’t feel anything. You can have sex, but emotions are hardly possible. A relationship might cause your emotions to go on, but I cannot guarantee it.
- You don’t value anybody’s opinion or advice that might sometimes cause rise in your problems.
- You learn to use people rather than bond with them.
- You gain the ability to manipulate people with their weaknesses and emotions.
- You become more powerful and understand the power dynamics of the universe.
- You might lose almost every human connection.
- You learn to enjoy the crises. You don’t feel anything happy or sad about that but still get the ability to move on instantly.
What happens when you turn off your humanity switch? – Scientific Explanation

Initially, you become more vulnerable and start questioning things. You understand that everything was fake and the world just exploits you on emotional terms. This is where you understand that when you stop feeling anything, you lose the feeling of emotional pain, worry, torture, trauma, and more. With this, you have to sacrifice happiness and moments of joy. The formula for not feeling pain is “Stop elevating your emotions.” You see, our brain functions entirely on hormones. The amount of fluctuation in your dopamine, seretonin, oxytocin, and melatonin hormones triggers various emotions from time to time. The subject who tends to switch off his humanity needs to have outmost control over the hormonal imbalance of the body. Thus, it’s not so easy to flip the switch like they show in movies; rather, the process might take from several weeks to months.

Things to avoid
There are various steps that add to the process. Each step has it’s own significance, and make sure that you don’t omit any of it. These steps are quite beneficial for you to understand how humanity works and also to use in your favor to conquer society. But first, you need to learn what to avoid. There are a few tendancies that you need to avoid before following those steps.
- Stop spreading word about others and indulging in gossip. Gossips are signs of low intelligence.
- Stop arguing and defending yourself among low-value people.
- Just walk away from the circle where they talk about C-grade movies and shows.
- Never feel guilty and regret doing things, especially reactive responses.
- Don’t let your past haunt you, but learn from it.
- Always make sure to completely rely on yourself. Never seek help unless you’re dying. When you rely on others, this gives a subconscious signal to your brain that you’re always needy.
- Don’t have weaknesses. Even if something is your weakness, never display it. Your weakness might turn the only and best weapon against you.
- Never sit idle. Always do something that adds to your IQ. The more you’re practical, the less emotional you appear.
1) Isolation: The first step towards turning of humanity
99% of people are afraid of staying alone. They’re insecure about everything. They don’t know how to handle it all by themselves. These guys are always dependent on some or the other, whom they assume is their friend. This give-and-take is referred to as a term named “friendship.”. In this era, it is hardly possible to find a loyal person beside your side without any expectations from you. Isolate yourself almost from everybody.

You’ll feel a bit left-out for a while, but then realize that you’ve got a lot of shit to do. Watch movies, Web Series, Work alone; keep listening to music that’s less emotional. This is how you’ll get along. Don’t behave rude but make sure nobody crosses their limits. The start is always hard. Do what others don’t. Never ever feel mediocre or left out. You’re the wolf and once you’re enough capable, you’ll find your own pack.
In this generation where people are afraid to eat and sit alone, just being alone makes you ahead of 90% of the population. It’s the first trait of every conqueror, leader and survivor
~Mr Pratik Pandav
2) Don’t react Just observe
When you are done with people hurting you, it is necessary to not give them any chance to do it again. When you stop reacting, people don’t understand what’s going on in your mind. This is where you start winning. The more you observe, the wiser you get. The wiser you get, the more you understand the power dynamics. Everything is linked. If somebody instigates you, try to stay calm or wait for your turn. Never react aggressively. For that, you need to stop being happy and need to get a bit awakened. Turning off the humanity switch means not only feeling but also simply don’t care. If you don’t care, they don’t have any power or you. All the power dynamics change if you stop feeling and start observing.
3) Speak less, act more

The more you speak, the more your emotional triggers are displayed. Speak less. Act more. There’s a saying that act like a king” or act like you don’t give a fu*k of who is the king.”. Just follow the phrase. act slow be gentle but give them time to notice every move. stop caring about who is in the room. Just make sure you are comfortable. Once you make a habit of it, people start Pursuing you as ‘big deal’, but you don’t have to care about that ther. Like I said, Stop caring and just focus on your goal; it will stop all the emotional Processing in your mind over time.
The more you act, the more people get display of your doings rather than your words. Once your actions start to matter, you don’t need words to express them. Now you’ve become the BIG DEAL for everybody in your room, and your words matter.
~Mr Pratik Pandav
4) Start Meditating – Turn off humanity switch

Just closing your eyes and sitting in a particular position isn’t meditation. You’ve got to analyze all your good and bad doings. Introspect on yourself and your behavior all the way. Always find scope for improvement. Be ready for any situation to come and face accordingly. When you meditate, make sure you empty your mind. Manifest about the life you wish to have and stop thinking about the low-value society. Nobody is better than you.
The only purpose of this blog is to prevent you from caring about the judgment of society. Manifest that you don’t let that fail. Whether you are a believer in God or an atheist, meditation is the scientific term to channel and maintain hormonal balance by stimulating and activating your hypothalamus. So just sit and go into the deep zero state of mind where you find no one but yourself.
5) Nobody is your friend; dare nobody be your enemy
Often friendship and relationships are considered the most emotional factors that define us ‘humans.’. But everybody around you has a hidden purpose. They stay with you for their benefit. Stop looking towards them as a friend, crush, girlfriend, and brother (not by blood). When you start using your brain and stop using your heart, I can guarantee you that you’ll realize you’re the provider and they are dependent on you in some or other manner.

This eye-opener might hurt and destabilize the relation between you both, but you just need loyal, trustworthy, 3 A.M. people in your life. Being alone is better than being among the backstabbers. To turn off your humanity switch, being cold alone won’t work. You’ll have to add more effort to your “reading between the lines.”.
6) Acquire more philosophical knowledge than bookish
If you’re not good at studying, it doesn’t matter. Information is a better source of livelihood. You can survive on your degree or qualification. But legacy is created by understanding the power dynamics of the universe, and it only happens when you stop being overly emotional and start invading the secrets of the universe.
If the guys with 9 CGPA were intelligent, then they wouldn’t get tamed in the classrooms, licking the asses of professors who haven’t yet figured out their own lives.
~Mr Pratik Pandav
Stop following Blindly and start questioning
Everybody in the world wants to teach you something. 90% of the school-based teachings are of no use in everyday life. Always notice if your teachers have figured out their lives or not. If there is a 1% chance that your teacher isn’t inspiring, then don’t follow him/her. Start asking questions and uncovering the truth behind the concepts. This’ll work as an eye-opener for you. You’ll understand whom to respect and whom to thrash.

When you ask questions, people with knowledge tend to genuinely help you, while if they don’t or scold you about it, then stop respecting and treating them special for something they aren’t capable of. This’ll help you to understand the society and uncover the reality behind every person coming across you.
Stop being nice unnecessarily – Turn off Humanity where it needs to be done
When you’re nice to everyone around you, people take you for granted. They don’t’ consider your opinion and POVs even if you’re right. Often they might make fun of you for being who you are. You can become their primary target to let out their frustration and arrogance. Rather, try to be a better version of yourself each day. Make sure that your goals are your priority and not low-value people. Never go where you are not taken seriously. When you stop behaving too nice and start to enjoy solitude, people fear you. When they fear you, they respect you. Once the respect is earned, you can now stop using your emotions to get your work done.
Be in shape – Workout everyday

Whether you are male or female, daily workoutss aree mandatory. When you’re consistent with your body movements, the brain fog disappears. There ishuge evidencethat provess that working out boosts confidence and creates an aura. When you train,, all you think about is is one more set, one more rep,, and this is where yourr brain cells trigger. No emotions will work;; you have to do it by yourself for yourself. To be a survivor, you need to fight hard and not let emotions get in your way. Workout plays a major role in doing that.
No addictions to turn off humanity switch

Make sure you are not prey to any addictions during the entire process. Being cold takes time and effort. In most cases, people suffering from trauma and depression choose the wrong path for temporary relief. This temporary relief completely destroys their lives. Later they are found in the rehabilitation centers. Thus, while following the process of not giving a fu*k, make sure you don’t get yourself fu*ked.
Some FAQs
Look, it is possible to turn off human feelings in order to escape, trauma, depression and more mental disorders. But switching it off is completely impossible. Thus it is really important to follow the steps given in the blog to do it the right way.
Yeah switching off your emotional impulse is not easy but possible with consistent practice and by maintaining the hormonal balance. Refer to the blog to do it in the right way.

When I started the blog, everybody imagined that I would give you some supernatural ways to turn off your humanity switch. But the fact is we are humans, and we cannot entirely turn it off. But you can upgrade yourself to become a self-esteem high-value person who is often respected among the peers. Being harmlessly selfish is quite important these days. I’m not saying you should leave people while they’re dying. My point is simple: don’t let society think that you care. Caring makes you weak. Stop caring about other people’s opinions and judgments. Don’t be part of any gossip. I would rather say, be the subject of one. With this, I conclude my article, which will have more timely revisions.
All the images in this article are derived from
If you’ve any questions or queries, then please contact us at Till then, have a nice day!!! Just take care of yourself, because you are the most important person.
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